Life and Career Coach
Process Com and Neuro-Linguistic Programming certified
Dare to be yourself!
About me
I am 50% Vietnamese, 50% Chinese and 50% French. Rest assured, I am not a math teacher. I am a certified professional coach from the International Coaching Institute of Geneva (ICI). I am also a Process Com (PCM) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified coach.
I support people who, more than wanting ‘success in life’, aspire to succeed in THEIR lives, through having the life THEY choose for themselves.
I have been living abroad for the past 28 years, in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. Throughout, I have observed people’s formidable adaptability and capacity for change. For many, the potential just needs to be unleashed. These opportunities have led me to combine my coaching qualifications and skills with my multiple intercultural experiences to shape a gentle, though powerful , coaching practice.
Together, let’s embark on a journey and co-create your unique path to achieve your own goals. Through thinking differently, finding your inner strengths and pushing your limits, you will shape the life you want to live and become the person you want to beM
Isabelle Xuân-Bahuet
Life and Executive Coach
IXB Coaching
My mission
I support you to find your best self, to dare, to face changes with confidence and to transform your emotions into allies.
My core values
Authenticity : I value truth and approach all relationships with deep
Humanism : I aspire to contribute to a world more respectful of
humans and nature.
Open-mindedness : I listen attentively and with great care. For me, each encounter is a source of mutual enrichment.
Coaching: for what?
- to adapt to a new professional and/or personal environment
- to discover and embrace your full potential
- to reset and find additional support after a work stress issue (burn-out, bore-out, brown-out...)
- to make successful life choices and/or career choices
- to obtain satisfactory answers toward educational choices
- to go through life transitions with confidence
- to walk even further on your achievement path
Be yourself
“I live the life I choose”
You want to be able to say
- I have the right to
- I allow myself to
- I can do it
- I believe I can do so
- I trust myself
You want to know
- Who you are
- What you want
- Where you go
Find a positive approach to change
"I can handle changes
with confidence"
- You relocate
- You get a promotion
- You change job
- You change position
- You move abroad
- You come back home
- You want a real change
- You retire
- You don’t know what to do next
- You don’t know what to do now
Through individual interviews, scenarios, PCM personality profile inventories:
- you will discover your assets and remove the obstacles in your way
- you will precisely know what you want and how you want to get it
- you will dare
Transform your emotions into allies
"I find my best self "
- I am afraid of
- I am angry
- I am annoyed
- I am stressed
- What’s the point?
- I don’t know where I stand
- I don’t want to go back to work
- I lost my motivation
- I am anxious
- It’s too late
Who controls whom? Should emotions control us or should we control our emotions?
Anger, fear, distress are not meaningless feelings and they send us messages.
When we take control of all these emotions that trigger our reactions, learn how to see them as strengths, and recognize them as our allies, we become much more powerful and productive in the life we want to build.
By knowing your strengths, your weaknesses and your areas for improvement, by naming your negative emotions and by chasing them away, you will open the field of possibilities to dare, to forge ahead and to believe.
I will be using CLEEN, a very strong technique to take away the negative emotional imprints that difficult situations can leave in you. When freed from those imprints, you will be able to think and act clearly to find the right attitude and action.
Fantastic and amazing CLEEN outcomes !
I enjoyed so much this very first CLEEN session with Isabelle in a moment of high stress that had a huge negative impact on what I desperately needed to perform well: focus and concentration. It happened during an online video call, I allowed myself to be led away by her gentle and professional voice, following her instructions. The results were amazing! I was so calm at the end of the session. What surprised me a lot was the long-lasting effect when I realized that I had changed my perception regarding this source of stress, which drastically reduced its impact on my well-being. CLEEN provides a powerful and healthy psychic hygiene that we all need a lot. Thank you so much!
Christine, Vietnam
Finding the keys to move forward
What Isabelle’s coaching brought to me ?
- sunshine and smiles in the grey sky
- the ability to find the answers inside of me
- to regain my confidence
- an eye opening on my talents
- a self-use of CLEEN
Through her kindness, her great listening skills, her enthusiasm and her faith in me, Isabelle made me realize that something deep inside of me was preventing me to move forward. She allowed me to find the keys to go further.
Marie, France
Equipping yourself with your own tools
Isabelle helped me to be proud of myself and to reconstruct my view of the world through my own eyes. Her coaching worked well for me to find my values and my desire to succeed.
Isabelle guided me to concentrate on the words I used without imposing herself. She patiently assists in breaking down general statements into smaller manageable and comprehensible targets.
If you are looking to equip yourself with your own hidden and unused tools, Isabelle will help you dig deep to use the sharpness of your own intelligence.
Yasha, Indonesia
Going back to work: what an incredible achievement!
During a very difficult period in my professional and family life, Isabelle helped me to focus on all the positive moments. It allowed me to highlight the pleasant moments in life. The experience with the tree of life was outstanding: I loved it.
I returned to work (medical part-time); it is an incredible success! All our coaching sessions coupled with the ones with my psychiatrist allowed me to bounce back: I am on a good track, driven by a good dynamic. I also resumed physical activities to reach the right balance for my body and mind.
I have found my previous me – the one before the burnout- and even more a new me, much more serene and calm. I am able to better keep things in perspective and I enjoy happiness whenever it shows up. I also exist as I want to exist in my family.
Thank you Isabelle for having listened to me, showing me the right path and supporting me to be able to go through all the obstacles. My coach made me look at the bright side of life and to accept that it is okay to stumble and fall then to stand up again, slowly but steadily.
If one day you meet Isabelle’s path, don’t hesitate to go along with her. Words of somebody who recovered so well.
Chris, France
Grâce au CLEEN, je suis totalement libéré de mes blocages et croyances limitantes.
Je suis très heureux de vous annoncer que j’ai eu la grâce d’être cleené par Madame Isabelle Xuân-Bahuet . J’avais une empreinte émotionnelle négative qui avait pollué ma vie pendant un certain temps . J’ai été cleené par Madame Isabelle (Mastercoach) qui a complètement nettoyé l’empreinte qui était devenue pour moi comme ma 2ème nature. L’empreinte était accompagnée par des croyances limitantes qui me bloquait pour avancer vers la réalisation de mes objectifs d’existence. Après deux passages de CLEEN, j’étais totalement libéré de l’empreinte et des croyances. Je peux affirmer avec certitude que les bienfaits du CLEEN sont inestimables, ils libèrent le corps et l’esprit. Je remercie madame Isabelle Xuân-Bahuet pour le professionnalisme avec lequel elle “cleene”. Je suis très reconnaissant.
Gabriel, Burundi
Ce coaching m’a donné un espace pour (re)prendre confiance en moi et en l’avenir
Isabelle maîtrise bien sûr toutes les “techniques” que l’on attend d’un coach, ce qui est le plus précieux et rare, c’est la qualité et la profondeur de son écoute qui me permettent de m’exprimer en totale confiance.
Laurence, Malaisie
Le coaching permet de prendre conscience et confiance
Avec l’expérience de l’Ikigaï, j’ai pris conscience que j’étais capable d’Être, d’être différente avec moi-même et d’être différente avec les autres.
Le coaching, c’est aussi une enrichissante rencontre avec Isabelle. Son approche ressemble à un bouquet de fleurs qu’elle offre avec la beauté des mots, la puissance de sa douceur, une écoute sans limite et sa sagesse lumineuse. J’ai ressenti dès le début, sa bienveillance, ce climat de confiance qui contribue rapidement à lâcher prise et sa séance CLEEN m’a rapidement redonné des ailes pour mieux gérer mes angoisses. Un immense merci Isabelle!
Pascale, Bangkok
J’en ressors changée, recentrée, plus sûre de moi.
Par ce coaching avec Isabelle, j’ai mis en lumière une idée plus positive de moi. Il m’a aidée à manifester de l’espace pour des idées nouvelles, pour créer des opportunités directement alignées avec ce que je souhaite être le plus au monde. Par son accompagnement, Isabelle m’a aidée à éclairer toutes mes ressources et tous les aspects parfois oubliés de ma personnalité. Ce cheminement m’a aidée à me comprendre complètement, et à mettre en place les éléments nécessaires au changement que je souhaite voir apparaître dans ma vie.
L’Ikigaï fut pour moi un voyage enrichissant à la découverte de soi. J’ai éclairé mon propre objectif de vie, centré et dans lequel je peux m’épanouir pleinement. Les mots ne peuvent que peu décrire ce sentiment de pleine conscience que l’Ikigaï apporte à ma vie quotidienne et les actions que j’entreprends désormais jour après jour.
J’en ressors déterminée à créer la réalité dans laquelle je souhaite m’épanouir.
Laure- Marine, étudiante, Ecosse
Isabelle m’a apporté ce qui me manquait pour gagner confiance en mes possibilités de mener à bien mes projets.
En effet, au moment de me lancer et de parler de moi professionnellement, tout se fermait et je n’en parlais pas, lestée par mes freins. J’avais du mal à mettre un sens au “pourquoi” et donc à me présenter !
Isabelle par son cadre, ferme et rassurant, m’a permis d’ancrer mes prises de conscience.
Elle m’a accompagnée dans un respect total de ce que je suis, mes croyances, mes limites.
Le résultat ? Je parle de moi professionnellement dès que l’occasion se présente ! Famille, amis, inconnus, je ne ressens plus aucune difficulté à m’exprimer, bien au contraire et j’ai même démarré mon activité avec de nouveaux clients.
Une expérience à ne pas rater ! Une belle personne à rencontrer !
Si vous avez des doutes sur vous-même, votre vie, votre capacité à appréhender le changement, faites appel à Isabelle ! Sa douceur, sa compréhension de l’humain et ses compétences sont mises à notre disposition pour nous accompagner concrètement et efficacement sur notre chemin du changement !
Béatrice, coach en formation, France

The CLEEN freed me entirely from my limiting beliefs and blockages.
I am very happy to announce that I was blessed to be cleened by Madame Isabelle Xuân-Bahuet. I had a negative emotional imprint that polluted my life for a while. I was cleened by Madame Isabelle (Mastercoach) who completely cleaned up the imprint that was like my 2nd nature. The imprint was coupled with limiting beliefs that blocked me from moving forward and achieving my existence goals. After two runs of CLEEN, I was totally free from imprint and beliefs. I can say with certainty that the benefits of CLEEN are invaluable. They free body and mind. I thank Madame Isabelle Xuân-Bahuet for her professionalism when she uses the CLEEN method. I’m very grateful.
Gabriel, Burundi
This coaching gave me a space to (re)gain my self-confidence and my faith in the future. Isabelle, of course, masters all the “techniques” that you expect from a coach. What is the most valuable and rare in her coaching is the quality and depth of her listening. Her attitude allowed me to express myself with total trust.
Laurence, Malaysia
Let's have a try!
Free "Become the director of your life” session
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